Upcoming shows

There are no upcoming events.

Past shows

Jazz of the 60's

The Loop Jazz Club
Hostivař, Prague, 8:00 PM

Beatles and their World

Municipal House
Prague, 7:00 PM


Municipal House
Prague, 7:00 PM

Jazz on Screen

Jan Hasenöhrl & Former Beginners
Festival Polička Jazz

Ennio Morricone 90th Birthday Tour

Kraków, Berlin, Budapest, Praha, Stockholm, Oslo

Jazz on Screen

Municipal House
Prague, 7:30 PM

CNSO 25th Anniversary

Municipal House
Prague, 7:30 PM

Jurassic Park

The Royal Albert Hall
London, UK, 2:30 PM

Jurassic Park

The Royal Albert Hall
London, UK, 2:30 PM

Jurassic Park

The Royal Albert Hall
London, UK, 2:30 PM

Jurassic Park, Raiders of the Lost Ark

UK Tour

Hollywood Night Vol. 21

Municipal House
Prague, 7:00 PM